美国亚利桑那州立大学Joseph Y Hui教授访问北理工信息与电子学院

供稿、摄影:哈楠   编辑:潘浩

  5月25日上午,应“北京理工大学信息与电子学院2010年博士生论坛”邀请,来自美国亚利桑那州立大学的Joseph Y Hui教授在四号教学楼233会议室为信息与电子学院博士生论坛带来一场题目为“电动汽车能源系统”的讲座。信息与电子学院院长龙腾,部分教师及博士生参加了本次讲座。

  首先,信息与电子学院院长龙腾对嘉宾的来访表示欢迎。随后Professor Joseph Y Hui向在场的师生介绍了他所工作和生活的亚利桑那州的人文地理环境。针对于当地的自然条件所涉及的科研领域进行了阐述-----太阳能的开发利用和电动汽车能源系统的开发。Professor Joseph Y Hui循序渐进的讲述了人们如何接纳了使用太阳能和电动车辆的生活方式, 并了解了再生能源的市场和发展趋势, 这些课题的讨论引起科研工作者对太阳能、电动汽车和新能源贮存方法的研究兴趣。通过对新能源再生技术的开发,有效的达到无碳排放的运输和交通。讲座后半部分Professor Joseph Y Hui重点定位比较各种电动汽车能源, 例如各种锂电池,锌氧燃料电池,超电容器,以及最新发明的质子电容器。

  讲座持续了两个多小时,期间信息与电子学院的与会师生积极的与来访嘉宾进行交流和探讨。在未来的两天里,来自美国亚利桑那州立大学的Joseph Y Hui教授还将为信息与电子学院博士生论坛带来另外两场学术讲座,分别为:Terabit Ethernet - Energy Efficient Switching和 Cloud Computing and Virtualization。

  Brief Introduction of Professor Joseph Y Hui:
  Joseph Y Hui is ISS Chair Professor of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University since 1999. He obtained his BS, MS, and PhD degrees at MIT before joining Bellcore in 1983. He has held various teaching and visiting positions at Rutgers University, Columbia University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Arizona State University.

  He is an IEEE Fellow recognized for his contributions in multiple access communications and broadband switching. He received the William Bennet Prize paper award for the paper "Multiple Accessing for the Collision Channel without Feedback" and wrote the first textbook on Broadband Switching. He is also HKIE Fellow, Henry Rutgers Research Fellow, and NSF Presidential Young Investigator. His broad research interest includes information and communication theory, switching and teletraffic analysis, cloud computing and virtualization, as well as electric vehicles and energy management systems.

He has founded many companies, including IXTech and IXSoft while on the faculty of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since returning to the US in 1999, he has founded Viva Communications and 4Blox. Since 2007, he has founded Nuon Labs, with 4 subsidiaries Virtuon, Etherion, Pcion, and a recently acquired Advanced Battery Management (ABM).
